our pre-school

We have always called this lovely little building "the cabin" but the young students that come to it for pre-school call it "the treehouse".
The Pre-School at The Willowshed is open to 4 & 5 year old children. It meets on Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9AM - 11AM. The children are taught how to be comfortable in school when they start Kindergarten. We work on recognization of the alphabet characters, numbers, shapes and colors. They are introduced to lessons in science, social studies, weather, and telling time.  Work in exercises that promote fine motor skills which is a precursor to using scissors, writing, coloring, and tying is part of our daily routine. Socialzation is important for them to learn as well as dispute reolution, taking turns, sitting still during an activity, sharing and following instruction. The lessons and experiences are taught in a gentle manner that they can understand.
The cost of this class is $20. per week.
Please call the school at 765.795.7322 to register your child.